Das Wort des Tages - German Word of the Day
An archive of the German word of the day. Each word is displayed along with an example illustrating its usage in the German language.
February, 2015 | |
Feb 01, 2015 |
das Opfer (-) - Victim |
Feb 02, 2015 |
vorsichtig (Adj.) - careful |
Feb 03, 2015 |
der Imbiss (-e) - Snack |
Feb 04, 2015 |
langweilig (Adj.) - boring |
Feb 05, 2015 |
der Brief (-e) - Letter |
Feb 06, 2015 |
der Besuch (-e) - Visit |
Feb 07, 2015 |
der Knochen (-) - Bone |
Feb 08, 2015 |
der Frühling (-e) - Spring |
Archives | |